Saturday, September 16, 2017

Muster Parade 2017

As we got promoted to sergeant rank,we know we are holding up a big responsibility. We have to be the role models to our juniors in a way that they can look up to, by improving ourselves to be better seniors to be role models to others and making sure things go as planned through managing our time.
Before the parade, most of us were nervous as we felt like we would make a mistake during the parade and would not be able to promote. But in the end, All of us who took the test promoted and is determined to continue doing our best throughout our journey in NPCC, in order to promote to the rank that we want.

We learn that if we put in effort we can achieve the goal, we learn that no matter what we get, we have to appreciate and work together as a squad, we learn that we had worked together as a squad to went through the difficulties together to achive what we want, we also thought that we are  performing quite well in the muster parade as we tried our best to follow the instructions as  it was our first time doing the muster parade. Even if we had trouble following instructions, we are all elated that we finally received our ranks and badges that we have worked hard and sacrifice for.