Tuesday, January 7, 2020

                         Annual camp 2019

The annual camp was quite fun and enjoyable with all the activities and games planned by the ICs. We have learned values such as team work , perseverance, and communication.  But due to the haze, the camp was unable to continue till the third day which is a pity  though I can see that everybody was enjoying the camp and were excited for the other activity's.

by Yi Hui 2K18


Friday, December 27, 2019

CampCraftCompetition Training

CampCraftCompetition Training

I think that CampCraftCompetition(CCC) is a good way to form teamwork as we need to work together so we could get the flag stuff and tentage up faster. CCC is also a good way to recap on the knots and you could also unleash your creativity by join pionnering

Private Yi en
Squad 2k19

Sunday, September 1, 2019

We believe  that through STC I can learn that there is importance of looking out for each other , bond with one another to have a strong relationship to help out in tough situations . Most importantly we should all have leadership between us to to lead one another . We have learned alot of survival skills to be familiar with the tough environment around us.

By: Pranesh 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

                         PYA  2019

2K17 PYA Squad Reflection: 

Even though our schedule was tight, did not have much time to focus on PYA and only had 2 rehearsals for PYA. I felt that we had indeed met the objectives of this project in sending a message to the children In the Neighbourhood to be wary of strangers. With this project, i've learnt that no matter what age we are, we still have to take note of our surroundings and beware of strangers. This project is indeed fun interacting with children way below our age.
Also, by going through this project, we are more bond together as a squad through the preparation of the skit, rehearsing together and thinking of how to act out. After we shared with them our experience  in NPCC some of the kids were also interested and started asking questions. After the skit we aso had fun interacting with the kids.We let them touch some parts of the NPCC uniform and took alot of photos and videos. Some of us even learned new things when the police officer was sharing a book to the children.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

NDP 2019

I believe that participating in NDP is

an important roll, so I had manage my time to come for the trainings and make sure my uniform and drill are up to standard as I was representing  NPCC . It is a great honor to carry  the Singapore flag.

By : Pranesh
Inter UG 2019

I think interug has bonded our squad more and we learn teamwork and cordination. Through this training, we learnt alot of tatics and ways to improve our drills. We also  bonded a lot with our seniors as we worked together as a team to try accomplish our goal which is 2nd place. Although we didnt get the 3nd place im very pround of my squad as we improved alot aready and we learnt more about each other and we helped each other if we did not know how to excute the drill

By : Jaydon

Saturday, July 27, 2019

                                  2K19 Swearing in

I went to the swearing in ceremony ,i went there to swear in as an NPCC cadet.My swuad sweared in in the morning and played games prepared by our CLs and other school CLs. I enjoyed the games i played there very much.It was more enjoyable then i had expected. Thank you CLs for preparing the games for us.

By : Shawn

Sunday, July 21, 2019

                                              CSI 2019

We felt that CSI had helped us gain a more inside understanding on how policeman and policewoman solve crimes such as theft , murder that has vague or almost no information on. This course is a helpful for us to learn how actual police work is done everyday.

By: 2K17

Saturday, July 13, 2019

                  INTER UNIT DRILLCOMPETITION 2019

Inter Unit Drill Comp:

Being the commander for the first time on the grounds of the Home Team Academy, I felt extremely nervous as I was representing my school. I was reluctant to be commander at first but through the encouragement of the CIs, my squadmates and even my juniors, I learnt that I should not doubt my abilities and try to do my best. Seeing the Inter Unit Drill Squad work so hard since the start of the june holidays really warms my heart. I hope that this spirit in them will continue to last as they go through a journey in NPCC 

- Sergeant Shyann Ng (2K17)

Friday, July 12, 2019

                SG SECURE 2019

SG Secure teaches us ways to prepair ourselves from crisis such as terrorist attack, explosion and even more, it is very useful whenever we are in any of these situations since we know the way out of it most of the time.The SG secure program taught us what we should do when we meet a crisis such as terrorism,expulsions,chemicals or biohazardous and the different types of actions we should execute when we meet different types of crisis. One of types of action is " run, hide and tell " this procedure helps us to know what is need to be done to survive , another way to inform the S.P.F and the people around the area to get away or stay away is by using the SG secure app to spread the location so that the people can evacuate safety and quickly away from the crisis and by dialing or messaging the specific numbers to inform the police of our whereabouts and the crisis.it also helps us to prepare for crisis or any terrorist attacks like what to do during a terrorist attack for example hiding inside a place where its hard for them to find and when everything is settled or clear , we can then contact the police . We can either contact them by messaging or through the SG secure app.  We are encouraged to download the SG secure app so that we will know if there is any danger around us and that we can use the app to report about it . We also learn ways to on how to identify/spot a suspicious item lying on the floor .SG secure help us to prepare in any situations like terrorist attacks and etc. It also help us to be more aware to our surroundings when ever we go. It also teaches us when ever there is terrorist attack we should run first and hide then tell.
                                                                     By : 2K18

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

                                  CSSP 2019

We think that the CSSP project has met the objectives of trying to raise awareness of shop theft. During the project, there were difficulties such as time constraint and different opinions. But fortunately, we managed to solve the issue and complete the project successfully. Although there were conflicts here and there, we think that this was  a very meaningful learning experience

By : 2K18