Thursday, November 5, 2015

ATC and STC 2015!


STC is a very good opportunity for us to learn some survival skills and get along with peers from other units. It is also a good way for us to enhance our teamwork and our leaderships skills. It also help us to be more open minded and being aware of our surrounding and gets to know different people and learn how to work together. STC also is a time where we can observe and take note on how other units are operated. This allows and motivates us to constantly upgrade and improve our own unit. 
-squad 2K13


The camp was awesome.
I get to make new friends from other units that i can not done it without ATC. From ATC, i learn how to be patient and be more discipline. The camp was something i need to remember as it give me sweet memories with my team and i'm looking forward for STC next year.
-Nisa 2k14

ATC was fun and i get to learn a lot of skills that i can not learn from lesson in classroom. ATC allow me to make new friends from other units that our normal daily schooling can't as ATC able us to bond with each other in a short period of time. Even though the camp is tough, i still enjoy the experience where me and my team kayak and do the low element together.
-Ashlande 2K14