Saturday, January 16, 2016

High Rope Challenge 2016


HRC had given us opportunities to challenge ourselves to our very own limit. Some of us are afraid of heights and through this high rope challenge, we are able to overcome the fear that some of us might have. In addition, this HRC is our last chance to visit camp resilience as a squad before our national exams. Although we might not have chance to participate in some of the high rope challenges due to bad weather, we still enjoyed ourselves. Not forgetting the Teachers Officers who spent their time to accompany us for the HRC, various station Instructors who taught us and conduct the HRC.

Friday, January 15, 2016


CCA FAIR is a day where every cca will put up a performance to allow the secondary 1s to have a deeper outlook of the cca.As part of WSNP tradition,we put up a choreographed drill performance.This performance usually includes cadets from all levels.During this performance,we get to use weapons that are exclusive to NPCC such as batons and rifles.This performance allow us to instill interest in the secondary 1s and coax them to join the cca.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Unarmed Tactics 2016

Squad 2K15

Unarmed tactics is a useful skill that we could use at our daily life. Many of us find this course very tiring and yet fun because this is something new that we all enjoy learning together. There were many laughter at first because the instructor was shouting "Move back sir" and we thought that it was funny. After learning how to defend ourselves, we felt prepared in any real life situations.