Thursday, June 9, 2016

Patrol around the neighborhood 2016

 It was a great opportunity to be part of this event as it gave me a chance to speak to the public. Being able to share with the citizens about the crime trends made me feel proud as i have done a part as a Singaporean.

This day, it was based on voluntary and i decided to help out because I felt that i need to contribute more for myself and for WSNP since I was still quite new back then. We managed to work hand in hand with actual police men while handing out flyers to residents about staying safe regarding scams. Needless to say that it was a productive day for all of us, knowing that we were able to help the community more. It only took us half a day and Im pretty sure that all of us went back feeling great about ourselves.

Squad 2K15
We were spilt into 2 groups, one to patrol along the Market area and one to knock door to door on the residents' homes. We informed residents about not to pick up calls that were from overseas or any long numbers and users of the market about importance of staying vigilant to their surroundings.Cases like pick pocketing and scam are common in those areas. At first, speaking to the members of the public weren't easy but it get better as the day goes by. Overall, patrolling made us gained our confidence and we learned how to speak properly.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Adventure Training Camp and Survival Training Camp 2016

ATC&STC 2016


Survival Training Camp

STC  is a very good opportunity for us to learn some survival skills and get along with peers from other units. It is also a good way for us to enhance our teamwork and our leaderships skills. It also help us to be more open minded and being aware of our surrounding and gets to know different people and learn how to work together. STC also is a time where we can observe and take note on how other units are operated. This allows and motivates us to constantly upgrade and improve our own unit. 

Adventure Training Camp
 ATC was great.We bonded with the cadets from Area 17 and not staying with our own unit only.The activities that held was quite fun and being able to do it together with our own groups make it more enjoyable, however we would prefer more activities on land.Probably,Water Confidence Jump and Kayaking was the most fun activities among all.The campfire was the most enjoyable part as it was well made, every group's performance was unique thanks to the Group In-charge. The Cadet-Inspectors that came also backed every group up ,the cheers and dark atmosphere makes us cozy and feeling more bonded together, and with that we were able show our group spirit that we have throughout the camp making the campfire different from all. The Group In-charge are nice and friendly, we get along easily.Overall,this camp made us step out of our comfort zone and be more open and adventurous.