Friday, July 29, 2016

Home Front Security 2016

Squad 2K14

Through this program, we learned the different types of threats like biological,chemical and radio logical threats that could harm and lead to a fatal internal damage of the human body. We were given the opportunity to find out fingerprints on different objects using different powders depending on the colour of the objects. Before the end of the program, we had the chance to solve a crime scene using the knowledge we had gained from the program and learnt the different ways of finding clues from the crime scenes.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Raffles Girl Secondary School Competition


When we first joined this competition we didn't know what to expect.But we were surprised on how well thought the activities was.Well we do have some laughter in all the station although some of it was challenging as we need to look for items in the classroom which took us to repeat some station again as we only have 1 min to look for the items. We learn that having a strategies is important because without having strategies, it would be hard for us to find the items and we would not know which to focus on.Overall it was an one fun and exciting competition.And there was where we got closer as a unit.