Saturday, July 15, 2017

Area 17 Swearing In Ceremony + Games Day

We are glad that we have officially become NPCC cadets. However, we should have been more responsible and disciplined especially when we were at other schools. We think that we performed quite well for Area Games Day as we had tried our best in all the games. We even won some of the games that we had participated and overall, we had fun and bonded during the games day.

Inter-UG 2017


We had limited time to train for this year's inter-ug. Nevertheless, we felt that the squad were bonded as one. Although we thought that we could have done better, in the end it was more of the progress we made and the experience we gained that matter. As our last inter-ug together, we really did enjoy it a lot.
This year's inter-ug was a great experience as we had a chance to improve on our drills even though it was tiring. However, there is still room for improvement. We are also glad that we were able to still get a medal.