Saturday, September 30, 2017

First Aid Course 2017

At first, we did not know anything about the course, however through the course, we have learnt something, for example, hyper-ventilation, that happens commonly around us. We have learnt many techniques to overcome hyper-ventilation such as calming the victim down. We have also learned many injuries in-depth such as the different stages of scalding. We have also learnt how to tie bandages the correct way. These skills would be of great use in our daily life and we were glad that we learnt it.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Muster Parade 2017

As we got promoted to sergeant rank,we know we are holding up a big responsibility. We have to be the role models to our juniors in a way that they can look up to, by improving ourselves to be better seniors to be role models to others and making sure things go as planned through managing our time.
Before the parade, most of us were nervous as we felt like we would make a mistake during the parade and would not be able to promote. But in the end, All of us who took the test promoted and is determined to continue doing our best throughout our journey in NPCC, in order to promote to the rank that we want.

We learn that if we put in effort we can achieve the goal, we learn that no matter what we get, we have to appreciate and work together as a squad, we learn that we had worked together as a squad to went through the difficulties together to achive what we want, we also thought that we are  performing quite well in the muster parade as we tried our best to follow the instructions as  it was our first time doing the muster parade. Even if we had trouble following instructions, we are all elated that we finally received our ranks and badges that we have worked hard and sacrifice for.

Police Youth Ambassador 2017

 It was a great experience as we got the opportunity to showcase our skit to kindergarten kids. It was nerve wrecking at first but we still  gave our best shot to give our best performance, even if the performance itself was not perfect. We felt that it is good that children are educated on how to cross the roads safely to ensure safety for both pedestrians and drivers. We all felt that it was a good experience to make our squad stronger as one.

NDP Observant 2017

It was exciting as we are able to meet people from other schools although we did not talk to them a lot. We are also happy to be part of the ceremony to make it a success

NDP 2017

Since it's 2K15's last National Day parade, we put in all of our efforts every trainings and endured under the hot sun with the other UG members. Throughout the harsh trainings, we undergo and persevered to put up our best performance in the parade for the whole school to see during the National Day celebration. We didn't have a lot of trainings together, but we have formed a bond among the UGs. It was heartwarming to hear that we have done well, and hope that our next batch can put up the same, if not better, performance than we did next year. 

Although this year's training was way more harsh and strict, the parade this year was a very successful and fruitful one. We are able to apply the skills that we used during inter-ug here. We also feel proud that as not only are we representing our own CCA, we are also representing our country in a way and that is absolutely something for us to be proud of. We are aware that we are one of the few remaining schools that still does the parade every year and we hope that the national day parade will still continue for the upcoming years.

NPCC Inter-Unit Drill Competition 2017

It is the very first time we have entered a nation-wide drill competition. We were nervous, but then we managed to pull off. It was a thrilling experience. We also felt that we had finally learnt the true meaning of teamwork which only works in a team of people. Even if one individual stood out in a team, the whole squad would not look perfect. With good teamwork, coordination of the drills would come along. The teamwork and the results we got were heartening and it made the 2K15 & 2K16 squads' bonds became stronger. 

We had very less training for the competition so we must apply what we learned for inter ug and ndp here. Even though we keep making the same common mistakes during training, we still did our best on the actual day. And it doesn't matter if we win or lose as long as we have the experience of how it is like