Monday, May 28, 2018

OEV Brunei Trip

Through this overseas education visit to Brunei, I have learnt some interesting things like how they handle crimes there and what equipment the Brunei Police Force use. I have bonded with all the cadets from different schools in both NPCC and PKP (Brunei) cadet. I feel that this visit was extremely fun as I got to know more about their cultures, traditions and the Royal Brunei Police Force. I have learnt many important things that I can use in my daily life. An example would be, think before we act, there would always be consequences if we don't do the right thing at the right time. Lastly, I really enjoyed myself in Brunei as I've made many friends from different  schools and the country.
- Lance Corporal Kai Wen

Friday, May 25, 2018

Harmony Camp 2018

Through this camp, I’ve learnt various things, hard skills like CPR and AED as well as soft skills like teamwork and the importance of harmony between the races. Also, I’ve bonded with cadets from various areas, schools and races. This camp was extremely fun and unlike any other NPCC camp, I have ever experienced.

-Corporal Joshua Wu

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

NP Day 2018

I think I should have said the national pledge louder overall it was a good np day, it was also an extremely interesting experience as this was my first experience in a parade and I really enjoyed myself
 -Lance Corporal Reyes

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Police Procedures

 I have learned about how the policeman and woman worked in the past and how they hand cases and how did the people in the last time people call the police  I should improve on my behaviour during the tour.
-Cadet Kai Feng

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Police Heritage

I learn a lot of stuff from the trip to the police heritage centre. I had a lot of fun knowing the past of the Singapore police force, and how the police are able to solve crimes and the guide who took us cracked a lot of jokes so I love the trip to the police heritage centre.
-Cadet Benedict