Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Home Front Security

Homefront Security was an extremely interesting course to be in and to experience, we learnt a lot in this course and we had a lot of fun overall as the speaker was extremely funny. We learned a lot of stuff like the different types of chemical agents and the different type of explosives.
-Corporal Joshua

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Swearing In 2018

 The swearing in was fun cause after swearing in we get to play games and when swearing in I got an experience of how to wear the NPCC uniform and how to check our attire.
-Cadet Kai Feng

Sunday, July 15, 2018

ASTC 2018

ATC was fun and all but I think that I could've have improved on my sense of emergency but overall I think I did an amazing job contributing to the group since we won best ATC group -Lance Corporal Fahmi

STC was a nice experience. I know more friends and learned things that I won’t have a chance to learn in school. I also get out of my comfort zone by going to this camp as I have a phobia of camp. I learned different values from different activities. For example, the road walk I learned to persevere. I was tired and I wanted to give up but with the support of my new friends, I completed the entire walk. -Corporal Neo Pei Ling

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

SANA 2018

During the SANA course I learned how drugs can be illegally snuck into the country using different tactics and that one small dose of any sort of drug can get YOU addicted for life and it can lead us into a life of crime and be hiding our whole lives and never be able to return to our normal lives and to say no to drugs.
-Lance Corporal Reyes

Basic law

In Basic Law Course, I learned mental and physical element of basic law. I also learnt how to identify if the person is really in the course and also the different type of crimes like shop theft, causing hurt, outrage of modesty etc.
-Lance Corporal Iqmal