Friday, August 31, 2018

Community Outreach

The outreach programme allowed me to boost my confidence in public speaking and this outreach programme can benefit members of the public about the theft situation nowadays and together we can prevent a higher number of cases in the future
Lance Corporal Shyann

Friday, August 24, 2018

Enrichment 2K17 2018

During archery, the instructor told us that the arrow is a weapon and we must be very careful with it and treat it like a revolver. The instructor taught us the positions and the way for us to shoot. What I've learnt is to be patience and aware of your surrounding as you don't want to actually kill anybody.
Lance Corporal Iqmal

Monday, August 20, 2018

CSI 2018

I learned some new things that I never knew after going for crime scene investigation. I learned that fingerprint,hair,blood,sweat can help in DNA test. Also, police uses a special type of powder to trace fingerprints. I learned how to guess properly how the crime happened with evidence. I gain much more knowledge throughout this  crime scene investigation.
Corporal Pei Ling

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

NDP 2018

I think NDP was hard I felt excited to go because I could learn lots of new drills. I think NDP is really fun but tiring but I also feel proud of myself when i went up and perform I feel excited to go NDP CCA it also make me very tired sometimes. I have learnt lots of things like to communicate during drills.
Cadet Yong En

Inter-UG 2018

Through this Inter UG training, i have learnt a lot from my seniors as they taught me many new drills and corrected my mistakes to make it better. Although the training was tough everyone was still able to encourage one another to put in our best for every training.
Lance Corporal Kai Wen