Friday, January 25, 2019

                                          .22 pistol shoot

We were anxious about the dry shoot itself because we had to recap and our Marksman 
was only a week way we all feared weather getting the badge or not so we encouraged each other.
With the dry shoot we were able to identify our mistakes and changed it, on the the actual none of us got the marksman but we believe we did our best , looking forward to the next .22 shoot competition .
by : 2K17

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Unarmed Tactics

I learned a lot from the unarmed tactics. My squad and the other schools in area 17 learn mostly basic defense. The course was very fun and my squad and I enjoyed it very much the trainer was showed us some even more advanced defense and it was good to know.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

CCA Fair 2019

I learned to be more open and more positive and more enthusiastic towards others from outside and learnt many things about NPCC though explaining to the visitors about the booth and the explaining too taught me etiquette and manners by the way we talk to people visiting the booth
Lance Corporal Kai Feng

Fancy Drill

I think that Fancy Drill is a very good opportunity to showcase our CCA not only to the SEC 1 but also other levels. This shows that NPCC is very participative in any event and also show a good example. For those who's in the Fancy Drill team also shows good example to other CCAs and also as an experience.
Corporal Iqmal