Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Unit Overall Proficiency Award (Gold)

As a squad we are very proud that we were able to help our unit achieve this prestigious award and we will have something to show for how much effort we put in as a unit.
-Squad 2k16

We as a squad feel that we have done a good job keeping our attendance full we should continue the hard work. We gotten this award is not just because of our squad, the entire unit have also contributed by going for CCA everyday. This shows that we have improved for the better and a form of encouragement for all. This year, our squad will be taking over so we have to work hard and strive together as a unit. Having to be able to set good examples for our juniors and putting in our hundred percent for the unit this year. We need to follow all rules and regulations to show a good example to our juniors. We would also need to further improve on our knowledge and gaining more experience. Lastly, strive to get the next gold unit award encouraging the unit to do the same as a squad.
-Squad 2k17

As a squad we are very happy when the teacher officers announced that we had achieved the gold proficiency award as our first full year in NPCC and have seen how our unit can achieve this when we all put in our hard work to help push our unit to greater heights.
-Squad 2k18