Thursday, August 29, 2019

                         PYA  2019

2K17 PYA Squad Reflection: 

Even though our schedule was tight, did not have much time to focus on PYA and only had 2 rehearsals for PYA. I felt that we had indeed met the objectives of this project in sending a message to the children In the Neighbourhood to be wary of strangers. With this project, i've learnt that no matter what age we are, we still have to take note of our surroundings and beware of strangers. This project is indeed fun interacting with children way below our age.
Also, by going through this project, we are more bond together as a squad through the preparation of the skit, rehearsing together and thinking of how to act out. After we shared with them our experience  in NPCC some of the kids were also interested and started asking questions. After the skit we aso had fun interacting with the kids.We let them touch some parts of the NPCC uniform and took alot of photos and videos. Some of us even learned new things when the police officer was sharing a book to the children.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

NDP 2019

I believe that participating in NDP is

an important roll, so I had manage my time to come for the trainings and make sure my uniform and drill are up to standard as I was representing  NPCC . It is a great honor to carry  the Singapore flag.

By : Pranesh
Inter UG 2019

I think interug has bonded our squad more and we learn teamwork and cordination. Through this training, we learnt alot of tatics and ways to improve our drills. We also  bonded a lot with our seniors as we worked together as a team to try accomplish our goal which is 2nd place. Although we didnt get the 3nd place im very pround of my squad as we improved alot aready and we learnt more about each other and we helped each other if we did not know how to excute the drill

By : Jaydon