Thursday, August 25, 2016

Community Safety and Security Programme 2016

Squad 2K15

Having to speak to the sec 1s was hard as we have the feeling of awkwardness in us. But what was the most important thing was that we were able to raise awareness to the Sec 1s about trespassing and By doing CSSP, we able to gain confidence in ourselves to talk to in front of the entire class.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Home Team Gallery 2016

Squad 2K14


It was a new experience for me as i got to learn the history of some tragic events that were not able to be forgotten by some. It made me realize more about what teamwork among different people can make a huge difference.
I felt that going for the Home Team Gallery was a very meaningful experience as I learnt many things about the HTA that I never knew before, and it really helped me understand how they contribute in various situations and emergencies.
I was intrigued to the stories our guide told us especially about the Nicoll Highway incident. We learnt more about staying alert, defending our country and how to spot a threat. Things like terrorism was also being raised and i feel that during this moment of time is what actually is beneficial for all of us to know and to take note about.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Kayaking Course

Squad 2K15

Before we went for the kayaking course,we were scared at first. 
Initially,we were scared of kayaking.But after learning the basics of kayaking-which included the capsize drill,our impression about kayaking changed.It was so much fun!All of us loved kayaking.Kayaking boosted our self confidence as we needed to be self reliant in pedaling.We persevered through all the challenges that we faced.

Squad 2K16

We enjoyed our self at the padan reservoir. Although it was tiring we had fun in the water.we learn about the basic skills for one star course. We also learnt that team work was important for example during the capsize drills. We need to work together with our partner to successfully rescue the victim and unload the water from the victim kayak.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Leadership Mentoring Skill Course

Squad 2K14

 Its a great opportunity for us to bond with each other and understand each other more. Through this course we have gain knowledge of how to lead a unit well and what to be expect if something unnecessary happens.

Monday, August 8, 2016

National Day Parade 2016

As I was the one that led the NPCC unit, it was very exciting yet nervous for me since it was my first time being in the NDP Parade. I have never been placed in such a position.The training days were very tiring, took most of our days and all of us went home feeling drained. I feel that it was an accomplishment to complete the parade and i felt really happy knowing that its over and it was overall really worth the training sessions. I have been that type of person who is afraid and scared to do things with such a role. Usually stresses out so easily to the point where i feel like i lack in confidence. Nevertheless, I love to try new things and i would certainly want to help myself to get out of my comfort zone, as well as to face my fears. With that, throughout my journey from Sec 1 to NDP Parade to where i am now, i feel much more of a better individual and i am really thankful for things like NDP parade to happen to help me on slowly overcoming the anxiety i had in me.

The entire parade was the best experience I have ever had as an NPCC cadet. I decided to participate in the parade this year as I will not have another chance to do so next year, and I was glad that I made that decision. It felt rewarding just to represent my CCA group, as well as the nation. It made me value all the hard work the real uniformed groups put in for the country. In all, I really enjoyed it and would like to participate again if given the opportunity.

 It was the last parade i will have in my secondary school life and therefore it was something that i cherish a lot. It was a great chance to bond with the other CCA cadets as well as work together to make the parade a successful one. All the handwork and sweat paid off as everybody played their part.

Most of us find the training very tough. Having to stand still in the hot sun, listening to commands and instructions were the real test for our patience and perseverance. Most of us tried not to give up easily and they've succeeded. This event was a meaningful one as it is for our country. This event also allows us to push ourselves and in the end have a satisfaction of performing in the parade after those tough and hot weather training.