Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Civil Defence Course 2016

Squad 2K15

Civil Defense course, we learn 2 things that is related to Civil Defense: Basic First Aid and Fire Safety & Casualty Evaluation.

For Basic First Aid, we learn about the things and equipment that are required inside a first aid kit for emergency purposes, such as first aid dressing no. 13,14,15, sterile eye dressing, adhesive tape and crepe bondage. We also learn about types of bleeding wounds, burns & scalds and fits; stages of cause, Dos and Don'ts during first aid and instructions on how to rescue the casualty. We are able to try doing CPR, carrying the casualty and bandaging our squad mates. 

Lastly for Fire Safety & Casualty Evaluation, we learn how fire is started, the methods to extinguish fire with different types fire extinguisher. We get to try out on how to hold a fire extinguisher. Lastly we learn about emergency procedures when there is casualty caused by natural disasters, fire and lighting.

It is a great experience as we get to realize things that might not happen in our life and by learning this we know what to do when this happens. It's always good to be prepared