Wednesday, January 11, 2017

CCA Fair

In this CCA fair, it brought upon a sense of realisation about my role as an AOIC. It made me more observant towards my surroundings in NPCC and also bond together with my squad mates and cadets in this event. Through out this event, some things did not went well as it was difficult to handle some sec1s who were a little bit stubborn. But we overcame it and overall, it ended well. I strongly feel that all the cadets will bring happiness to NPCC and feel the sense of pride as a cadet from NPCC.

This is my first CCA Fair in WSNP. It was also the first time I was assigned to be the IC of the booth. I actually learned new things while working with Zikry Sir and 2k16. I learnt how to instruct my instructions properly so that 2K16 is able to carry out their own individual roles dutifully. Everyone was ecstatic and hyped to  promote WSNP to the sec 1s and I was happy to see that each cadet actually contributed alot to help in this CCA Fair. They managed to work well with their own squad and unit and Im proud to say that the whole thing actually went well with only minor miscommunication. Otherwise, the whole event was planned out nicely and it seems like we really managed to attract many sec 1s into the CCA.

CCA fair was fun and memorable. It was a great experience because we have made many new things this year like the swing and tentage, we kept having flashbacks about the activities we've took part in together as a squad.

The swing made us very happy as some people tried the swing and it was rather steady, it also have attracted many people to come and enjoy the swing . However there were some that were afraid and rather skeptical towards it even though it was very sturdy. This year we have also set up booths that contains many NPCC related stuff like the NPCC ranks and uniform showcase and even CSI where students can make their own "fingerprint bookmark" which was rather a unique acivity for students to take part in. 

All in all, we think that this year CCA fair, it was satisfying in a sense that all our hard work, effort and diligence in preparing for the booth manage to attract multiple positive responses from many students.

As this is our first time participating in the CCA fair, we feel that there are a lot of areas for us to improve on. However,it was a fun experience as we get to showcase our cca to others