Sunday, June 11, 2017

Crime Scene Investigation(CSI) Course 2017

For CSI, it was extremely interesting as we got to find out about different investigation techniques that we did not know at first such as police photography and the type of bloodstain that the police use to solve crimes. We even got to do some hands on activities like creating our own DNA.

NPCC Day 2017

Corporal (NPCC) Darren Tan
NPCC Day is celebrated annually in our school and being the commander for it was at first very scary. I would always imagine people staring at me while commanding and like most people, I have stage fright. However during NPCC Day, I felt more comfortable with the commands. Even though there were ups and downs, overall I think everyone contributed well and NPCC Day went well.

Adventure/Survival Training Camp 2017

Survival Training Camp

STC was much better than our ATC last year as the faces were familiar and we got to try out more things. The activities were very fun and educational. Although some of us could not take part in a few of the activities, we are glad we got to spend time with not only our squadmates but also with other cadets from Area 17. Overall, STC was very fun and the things we learnt are definitely very useful for real life problems next time.

Adventure Training Camp

Before the camp, most of us were afraid as we did not know what to expect during the camp. However as we think back, the camp actually made us step out of our comfort zone and did what we thought was impossible. Our favourite activity must be the Water Confidence Jump as it left a huge impact on all of us. Also, the campfire was extremely fun as we got to see what the other teams did. In conclusion, ATC was way better than we expected.

Passing Out Parade 2017

Station Inspector (NPCC) Calvin
My journey together with WSNP was always full of surprises. In WSNP I have gotten a lot of achievements either together with the unit or as an individual. I have also learnt much more than what I have expected which I could never be able to learn outside. Although it is quite saddening that my batch has to step down from the CCAs, I have no regrets towards the year that we took over and in the POP Day itself the upcoming batch gave us the best farewell celebration that we can get. Together we stand, divided we fall.