Sunday, June 11, 2017

Adventure/Survival Training Camp 2017

Survival Training Camp

STC was much better than our ATC last year as the faces were familiar and we got to try out more things. The activities were very fun and educational. Although some of us could not take part in a few of the activities, we are glad we got to spend time with not only our squadmates but also with other cadets from Area 17. Overall, STC was very fun and the things we learnt are definitely very useful for real life problems next time.

Adventure Training Camp

Before the camp, most of us were afraid as we did not know what to expect during the camp. However as we think back, the camp actually made us step out of our comfort zone and did what we thought was impossible. Our favourite activity must be the Water Confidence Jump as it left a huge impact on all of us. Also, the campfire was extremely fun as we got to see what the other teams did. In conclusion, ATC was way better than we expected.