Friday, December 28, 2018

WSNP Bonding

Through this bonding day I grew closer with my juniors, squad mates and officers, we had a lot of fun and grew closer as a unit this was a truly fruitful day and a break from the monotony of training.
Sergeant Joshua

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

CSSP 2018

It was hard at first for me to feel comfortable on stage and I felt that I should have been more expressive with my words. After the first time I felt more comfortable the second time and I was able to say what I had to say with ease. working with Shi ting was hard at first but after awhile I learnt how to work with her, with the help of Kai wen.
Corporal Reyes

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Kayaking 2018

Before I went for kayaking, I was actually quite scared because of the capsize drill. But it turns out in the end, that the capsize drill became my favorite thing among everything that has been covered. Although on the first day I couldn’t control my boat well, hence being one of the last, dragging everyone down. But gradually with practice, it became easier and I can paddle straight on the second day. I guess the key takeaway from this whole kayaking course is that we require teamwork and resilience. Overall, the course was fun and I would totally go again if given a chance.
Sergeant Pei Li

Friday, September 7, 2018

Muster Parade 2018

So like the muster parade was quite well prepared and is for you to be proud of your new ranks and badges so the ceremony quite important but the ceremony is quite stressful because we only had day learn what to do when we take our rank and badges.
Lance Corporal Crystal

Friday, August 31, 2018

Community Outreach

The outreach programme allowed me to boost my confidence in public speaking and this outreach programme can benefit members of the public about the theft situation nowadays and together we can prevent a higher number of cases in the future
Lance Corporal Shyann

Friday, August 24, 2018

Enrichment 2K17 2018

During archery, the instructor told us that the arrow is a weapon and we must be very careful with it and treat it like a revolver. The instructor taught us the positions and the way for us to shoot. What I've learnt is to be patience and aware of your surrounding as you don't want to actually kill anybody.
Lance Corporal Iqmal

Monday, August 20, 2018

CSI 2018

I learned some new things that I never knew after going for crime scene investigation. I learned that fingerprint,hair,blood,sweat can help in DNA test. Also, police uses a special type of powder to trace fingerprints. I learned how to guess properly how the crime happened with evidence. I gain much more knowledge throughout this  crime scene investigation.
Corporal Pei Ling

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

NDP 2018

I think NDP was hard I felt excited to go because I could learn lots of new drills. I think NDP is really fun but tiring but I also feel proud of myself when i went up and perform I feel excited to go NDP CCA it also make me very tired sometimes. I have learnt lots of things like to communicate during drills.
Cadet Yong En

Inter-UG 2018

Through this Inter UG training, i have learnt a lot from my seniors as they taught me many new drills and corrected my mistakes to make it better. Although the training was tough everyone was still able to encourage one another to put in our best for every training.
Lance Corporal Kai Wen

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Home Front Security

Homefront Security was an extremely interesting course to be in and to experience, we learnt a lot in this course and we had a lot of fun overall as the speaker was extremely funny. We learned a lot of stuff like the different types of chemical agents and the different type of explosives.
-Corporal Joshua

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Swearing In 2018

 The swearing in was fun cause after swearing in we get to play games and when swearing in I got an experience of how to wear the NPCC uniform and how to check our attire.
-Cadet Kai Feng

Sunday, July 15, 2018

ASTC 2018

ATC was fun and all but I think that I could've have improved on my sense of emergency but overall I think I did an amazing job contributing to the group since we won best ATC group -Lance Corporal Fahmi

STC was a nice experience. I know more friends and learned things that I won’t have a chance to learn in school. I also get out of my comfort zone by going to this camp as I have a phobia of camp. I learned different values from different activities. For example, the road walk I learned to persevere. I was tired and I wanted to give up but with the support of my new friends, I completed the entire walk. -Corporal Neo Pei Ling

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

SANA 2018

During the SANA course I learned how drugs can be illegally snuck into the country using different tactics and that one small dose of any sort of drug can get YOU addicted for life and it can lead us into a life of crime and be hiding our whole lives and never be able to return to our normal lives and to say no to drugs.
-Lance Corporal Reyes

Basic law

In Basic Law Course, I learned mental and physical element of basic law. I also learnt how to identify if the person is really in the course and also the different type of crimes like shop theft, causing hurt, outrage of modesty etc.
-Lance Corporal Iqmal 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Annual Camp 2018

Annual camp was fun since we got to go hiking and night walk and even though I didn't get to watch the movie with the rest I found the camp really fun for 5 sec 3s on a budget but I think I could have improved by giving more energy to the camp

-Lance Corporal Fahmi

SG Secure

SG Secure taught me how we should react when we suspect an unidentified item left behind and what we should do when it happens
-Lance Corporal Choon Kee 

Monday, May 28, 2018

OEV Brunei Trip

Through this overseas education visit to Brunei, I have learnt some interesting things like how they handle crimes there and what equipment the Brunei Police Force use. I have bonded with all the cadets from different schools in both NPCC and PKP (Brunei) cadet. I feel that this visit was extremely fun as I got to know more about their cultures, traditions and the Royal Brunei Police Force. I have learnt many important things that I can use in my daily life. An example would be, think before we act, there would always be consequences if we don't do the right thing at the right time. Lastly, I really enjoyed myself in Brunei as I've made many friends from different  schools and the country.
- Lance Corporal Kai Wen

Friday, May 25, 2018

Harmony Camp 2018

Through this camp, I’ve learnt various things, hard skills like CPR and AED as well as soft skills like teamwork and the importance of harmony between the races. Also, I’ve bonded with cadets from various areas, schools and races. This camp was extremely fun and unlike any other NPCC camp, I have ever experienced.

-Corporal Joshua Wu

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

NP Day 2018

I think I should have said the national pledge louder overall it was a good np day, it was also an extremely interesting experience as this was my first experience in a parade and I really enjoyed myself
 -Lance Corporal Reyes

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Police Procedures

 I have learned about how the policeman and woman worked in the past and how they hand cases and how did the people in the last time people call the police  I should improve on my behaviour during the tour.
-Cadet Kai Feng

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Police Heritage

I learn a lot of stuff from the trip to the police heritage centre. I had a lot of fun knowing the past of the Singapore police force, and how the police are able to solve crimes and the guide who took us cracked a lot of jokes so I love the trip to the police heritage centre.
-Cadet Benedict

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Neighborhood Police Centre

In NPC visit, I have learnt that that's the place where officers draw their weapons and park their vehicles. I also learned what to the officers do and that when we call 999 in certain areas, different Neighbourhood Police Centres will answer the call.

-Lance Corporal Iqmal

Friday, March 23, 2018

POP 2018

Knowing that I am the next OIC for the unit, I have mixed feelings. Happy because I have wanted that position. But as happy as I feel, I'm also very nervous and scared, as the unit is being handed over to me. Many questions Came across my mind. What if I cant lead the unit? What if I failed as an OIC? Especially when there will no longer be seniors helping and guiding us. But despite all that, I am determined to put on a strong and confident side of me and will try my very best to lead the unit to a greater height
-Corporal Pei Li

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Campcraft Competition 2018

This is the first time we participated in campcraft competition for most of us, we were separated from each other and was placed in different components. At first, we were clueless about campcraft (e.g. tent-pitching, flagstuff),   but after a few trainings, we knew what's our role and what we should do in order to contribute to our respective team and acheive our goal. And through the trainings for the competition, we also got closer to our juniors  and there's more communication between us. There will be some days when things don't go well, due to the weather or our performance, but we were always be encouraged by the officers, who kindly took their free time off to help us, and seniors who guide us along the way,  which we are very thankful for.

CCA Fair 2018

Although it is the second year being involved in CCA fair for majority of us, some of us were still apprehensive about approaching people and talking to them. But when  we stepped out of our comfort zone and managed to convince people to come to our booth, the amount of satisfaction is unexplainable. Although we got shot down by a lot of sec 1s and will feel discouraged sometimes, we still managed to persevere and attract people to our booth.

The cca fair was tiring but we managed to teach the sec 1s about what we  do in Npcc,we even took pictures together.I think all of us did a good job, as we managed to get alot of people to write down their names in the list.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Westwood Primary Outreach

The outreach at wwps was very meaningful as we went there to educate young minds on what are the basic activities that is mostly done at NPCC. It also helped the cadets (us) be more knowledgeable of our own CCA. Overall, the experience was very fruitful and fun as we got to interact with primary school students. It was the second year I volunteered for the same activity and nevertheless, it has still managed to bring a smile to my face! This activity had also brought us difficulties as we pondered on how to display our CCA rank boards, but our innovation solved the problems we faced and we were raring to go! The innocence of the faces of the young students studying at WWPS has indeed made me relieve my childhood. Also, together with my fellow squadmates Intia and Zafrin,  I managed to share awareness about the UG CCA and gave them their very own fingerprint bookmark as a souvenir! I became ever more closer to my squadmates, and believed in the little ones who would one day join our school, will join our CCA as well.