Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Westwood Primary Outreach

The outreach at wwps was very meaningful as we went there to educate young minds on what are the basic activities that is mostly done at NPCC. It also helped the cadets (us) be more knowledgeable of our own CCA. Overall, the experience was very fruitful and fun as we got to interact with primary school students. It was the second year I volunteered for the same activity and nevertheless, it has still managed to bring a smile to my face! This activity had also brought us difficulties as we pondered on how to display our CCA rank boards, but our innovation solved the problems we faced and we were raring to go! The innocence of the faces of the young students studying at WWPS has indeed made me relieve my childhood. Also, together with my fellow squadmates Intia and Zafrin,  I managed to share awareness about the UG CCA and gave them their very own fingerprint bookmark as a souvenir! I became ever more closer to my squadmates, and believed in the little ones who would one day join our school, will join our CCA as well.