Wednesday, November 22, 2017

OEV Hong Kong Trip 2017

I went on this trip with people i had never met in my entire life and also stay with them for 5 days in a different country. But through this experience, i have learnt many important life lessons that i can use in real life context. One example is that there are actually many different ways to achieve just one objective but we should always think of the consequences before executing it. This teaches us to be prepared at all times. I also learnt to have fun and be disciplined at the same time, to know how to step in as a leader whenever the higher ranking officers asked the cadets to carry out certain tasks and to be mindful of my words and actions.

Lastly and most importantly, i got exposed to see the different aspects of the Hong Kong police force by interacting with the JPC members (hong kong cadets) and also by going down to the 3 main units of the Hong Kong police force (traffic, marine and dog unit). It showed me how different and similar both Singapore and Hong Kong are in trying to obtain the same objective, which is to keep their country safe.

OEV HK has opened up my eyes to see a totally new perspective of being a leader and also a cadet of NPCC. I made alot of new friends, had an amazing time and lots of fun. I am truly grateful to have been given this oppurtunity and would definitely like to share this experience with my unit and hope my juniors can also be exposed to such trips to mould them into future leaders.